There are several kinds of inbuilt IC chip set, such as ws2812s, ws2812b, sk6812. now there comes a new one–CS2803.
The biggest difference is that CS2803 with a new technology–breakpoint transmission, this feature ensures that the rest of the LEDs in a strip still work even if one or more pixels develop a bad IC. like the pictures: 03:18:502021-04-14 06:55:10CS2803 VS SK6812 VS WS2812B Addressable Led Strip
Let we see the clear ws2812b and sk6812 sk6812rgbw addresable led strip first!
SK6812 RGB VS SK6812 RGBW:
sk6812 5050 rgbw(RGBWW= RGB + Warm White (2800-3200k),RGBNW= RGB + Natural White (4000-4500k),RGBCW = RGB + Cold White (6000-6500K) ,we can see,it have one more white color than sk6812 5050 rgb led strip,When we do not need rgbw color,it can show white color,However,for,sk6812 5050 rgb,when it show the white color it is red green blue color mix together,so,it is not really white color!
SK6812 VS WS2812B addressable led strip,
The SK6812 is very similar to the WS2812B, and can be used as a drop-in replacement in most applications because it features the same interface and color order (so LED strips based on the SK6812 and WS2812B can be chained together). The main difference between the two drivers is that the SK6812 has voltage-independent color and brightness over a wide voltage range, which means that the colors of the LEDs should not be affected by a drop in the supply voltage as much as they are on the WS2812B.
Looks like sk6812 is a direct clone of ws2812b with some improvements made. LED is driven at higher PWM frequency and some variants have separate white die, instead of running RGB channels simultaneously. All existing ws2812 libraries are compatible (commonly refered as ‘NeoPixel’). Sk6812 and ws2812 are actually controler chips, and LEDs you are interested in have chip integrated.
Normally,we can not distinguish it well,but through the IC shape,we can see it is ws2812b or sk6812. 02:54:342021-04-14 06:55:04Witop Sk6812 vs Ws2812b vs Sk6812 Rgbw Addressable Led Strip
The image is mainly about the difference between the work principle of WS2812 and WS2813 LED strip. The most obvious difference is: when the led one of the WS2812 was broken, it will affect the other led working, but the WS2813 will not appear above situation.
Generally speaking, WS2812 has two versions: WS2812 and WS2812B. WS2812B is an upgraded version of WS2812. They are an integrating control circuit and the intelligent external control LED source of the light-emitting circuit, which looks similar to the 5050LED. It internal included intelligent digital port data latch and signal reshaping amplification drive circuit. Also include a precision internal oscillator and a 12V voltage programmable constant current control part, effectively ensuring the pixel point light color height consistent. They can be applied to the full-color module, full color soft lights a lamp strip, led decorative lighting and the indoor/outdoor led video irregular screen. The features and benefits between WS2812 and WS2812B is the WS2812B has intelligent reverse connect protection and the power supply reverse connection does not damage the IC.
Now WS2813/cs2803 LED come out ,you can think it is ws2812b updated version , WS2813 LED can use same controller as WS2812B LED , WS2813 led have 2 data signal ,so when you use those led chip to make led strip , one led broken will not affect another led unless two consecutive led is broken , so WS2813 led make digital led project is more reliable than before .The capatior and die is packaged in 5050 RGB LED chip , then it will not need another capatior to make led strip again.
But for the cs2803 addressable led strip,the capatior is outside and the die is packaged in 5050 RGB LED chip,and same function with ws2813.and the price will be more reasonable than ws2813 led strip.
WS2812B only one data signal when one led broken may affect another led working . Only die is pacakge in 5050 RGB LED Chip
In summary Compare WS2812B LED chip,
1) The control circuit and the LED share the only power source.
2) Built-in electric reset circuit and brown-out reset circuit.
3) The color of the light was highly consistent, cost-efficient.
4) WS2813 LED can use same controller as WS2812B LED.
5) When the refresh rate is 30fps, cascade numbers are not less than1024 points.
6) Send data at speeds of 800Kbps and so on.
1) WS2812 only one data signal when one led broken may affect the other led working, which only die is package in 5050 RGB LED Chip. But WS2813 led have 2 data signal, any pixel’s failure won’t affect signal transfer and its total emitting effect, unless two consecutive adjacent LED are Broken. WS2813 adopted the upgraded chips led so WS2813 led make digital led project is more reliable than before.
2) Integrated circuit chips enable the circuit control simpler, neater and more reliable without any extra components.
3) 250us or more of reset time, it won’t cause wrong reset while interruption, it work on the lower frequency and inexpensive MCU.
4) Refresh Frequency updates reach to 2 KHz, Low Frame Frequency and no Flicker appear in HD Video Camera, improving excellent display effect.
WS2813 /cs2803 LED have the following advantage:
Any pixel’s failure won’t affect signal transfer and its total emitting effct. Unless two consecutive adjacent LED is Broken l
Integrated capatior and resistance enable the circuit of pcb is more simple ,easy to make .
250us or more of reset time, it won’t cause wrong reset while interruption, it work on the lower frequency and inexpensive MCU. l Refresh Frequency updates reach to 2KHz, Low Fram Frequency and no Flicker appear in HD Video Camera, improving excellent display effect.
Compare with the former, WS2813 both have some places similar to WS2812, and have its own unique features: 15:02:362021-04-14 06:45:39What’s The Difference? WS2812 vs SK6812 VS WS2813 vs CS2803 LED Strip